These are just a few writings I've done over time for a friend with an online size acceptance website. I decided to put them on a page for whomever might read them and perhaps get something worthwhile out of them.

It seems to me that most negative attitudes about others stem from our feelings about ourselves -- whether it's due to a poor self-image, or just a lousy day and we've got (what I call), our shit-colored glasses on.

No matter our race, age, or situation, girls and women are given the tacit -- and outright -- message that we are the ones who must look a certain way in order to be acceptable on ALL levels.

Certainly, men are under pressure, too (especially in the business world). This is borne out by the increase in male plastic surgeries for facelifts, liposuction, and pec and calf implants. Rather than feeling it's a good thing that we're 'evening up,' I just wish the focus weren't so narrow and unforgiving for all of us.

This is not to say that we can't, and shouldn't, have our physical preferences; but on a national, societal, level, the expressions of those preferences can be damaging.

Thanks for reading. -- Tina Coggins

All articles Copyright © 1998-2006 Tina Coggins.

An essay on fat beauty.
Fatness and Positive Self-Perception
A society obsessed by the 'sinfullness' of food.
The Immorality and Sexualization of Food, Eating, and Fatness
School: potentially one of the most uncomfortable places of all for a fat person.
Back to School: some advice from the front lines


Tina the Troubled Teen

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Background texture, used in objects, designed by Mindy Sommers.

All images and text within this site copyright ©, 1998 - 2006.