Castaneda's Sunrise

Created 02/08/03

fractal created using Vchira fractal generator.

Original fractal heavily post-processed.

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The 2004 Optic Nerve Calendar, by TCD's Fractal Factory.
It's here and new for 2004: The Optic Nerve Calendar, by TCD's Fractal Factory. It makes a wonderful holiday gift and has plenty of room for dotting down appointments and notes .Choose from my 12-month calendar, or the separate at-a-glance page calendars. Pick and choose from a nice selection of original art, printed on glossy paper. Then when you're done with the calendar, clip the art off, mat it, frame it and hang it on the wall for delightfully inexpensive original art. Or just buy it for the art and frame it right away -- why wait?. You'd be surprised how lovely -- and expensive -- a matted and framed calendar page can look. It's something I've been doing for years; why not try it yourself and see? :)
All images and text within this site copyright © T.C. Design - Eye on Design, 1998 - 2003. All rights reserved.